Oct 31, 2022 | Insurance & Liability
Before a med spa prescribes any medical treatments, an initial appointment with a licensed healthcare practitioner is legally required to establish a formal relationship. In the industry, we call this the “Good Faith Exam.” But how do you make sure your Good...
Sep 19, 2022 | Finance & Tax Planning
This month’s biggest story in the med spa industry is the FDA’s approval of Daxxify. Is this the best thing since Botox or is it just another fall fad? The Lengea team cuts through the hype and tells you what it really means for your practice. What is Daxxify? The New...
Sep 14, 2022 | Starting a Business
Grow and Scale – That’s the mantra at BootstrapMD. Our Managing Partner Sara Shikhman was featured in this recent interview with BoostrapMD to discuss how to grow a single room Medical Practice into 12 Multi-State Locations. Sara is an Ivy-League-trained corporate...
Aug 29, 2022 | Finance & Tax Planning
For most med spas, autumn is the busiest season. That means it’s almost time to replace poolside margaritas, strappy sandals, and summer heat with pumpkin spice lattes, booties, and getting down to business. Why the Summer is Slower Generally, the...
Jun 29, 2022 | Finance & Tax Planning
As just one company, there is nothing you can single handedly do to prevent a recession. Like a weather event, a disturbance in the economic environment is simply something to prepare for and handle. Whether it’s a pandemic, political unrest, a recession, or an “act...