Med Spa Treatment Procedures and Protocols for Over 30 Treatments
Anyone who wants to offer med spa services or own a clinic must follow the guidelines that regulate aesthetic procedures in the respective state. Lengea Law has prepared a set of med spa treatment procedures and protocols aimed at providing a framework that will serve as the standards and protocols by which all medical aesthetic practices will safely operate, irrespective of their state. Since different states have different rules for different treatments and practitioners, It can be customized per the state’s guidelines. Despite more than a decade of consistent industry growth throughout the United States, there is a lack of consistency of rules across state lines. Laws differ from state to state, treatment to treatment, and provider to provider, making it difficult to provide a uniform and clear framework for aesthetic practices that are, in good faith, intending to be compliant with all applicable laws. These protocols are meant to describe the way a minimally compliant medical spa should operate. They are particularly helpful to those just entering the Aesthetic Medicine arena and establishing their own programs and treatment protocols.